Welcome to the news feed for our BayCare Health System Pharmacy programs. Listed below are relevant topics and stories related to our pharmacy residencies, pharmacy programs, and other news relevant to BayCare.

Margarita Kanaeva

Why did I choose to complete a residency?
Completing a residency is a great way to open new doors. Being able to choose which door to walk through is something incredibly valuable to me, given the amount of time and effort I’ve already put into my education. Whether I find the best fit in my critical care rotation or my oncology rotation, residency will prepare me for both and give me more flexibility in my career choices. Moreover, it will ensure that when I venture into the clinical pharmacy world, I am better prepared and will emerge with confidence rather than uncertainty. Residency also presents additional opportunities, such as obtaining a teaching certificate and networking within and even outside of the hospital system. I am very proud of this decision and of the doors it has already opened.

Why did I choose St. Anthony’s Hospital at BayCare?
When you interview, you should go with your gut. The second I walked out of my interview and got into the car with my mom, I told her this would be the place I would end up at. During the interview, I was met with excitement from the past residents, encouragement from the preceptors, and a sense of welcoming from the residency coordinator and director. The positive attitudes and “at home” feeling that being at St. Anthony’s brings was what led to my decision. My priority was choosing a place that I would ultimately love to stay at – St. Anthony’s was and is the place

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Pumpkin spice is a fall staple, but there’s much more to pumpkin than just lattes! 🎃 🍁 Learn about this superfood's benefits and how to naturally and easily add it to your fall diet. Read more:

Congratulations to Angela, a St. Joseph's Hospital-South ER nurse for receiving a national @DAISY4Nurses award, among the highest accolades in the profession! Angela was nominated by a patient for her calming presence when the patient had trepidation and concern while in the ER.


At #BayCare, we're celebrating the hard work and dedication of our physicians and entire clinical teams in our new BayCare Physician Annual Report! https://bit.ly/3XfCSjH #BayCareProud

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