Why did I choose to complete a residency?
I chose to pursue a residency in order to be able to practice pharmacy in a multidisciplinary setting in an effort to improve patient outcomes and well-being. Residency provides me with a structured program in order to sharpen my clinical skills in a number of different areas, while working as an integral part of a healthcare team. Working under experienced preceptors allows me to gain firsthand knowledge of the skills required to provide a high quality of patient care, and I hope to be able to being my own unique views and experiences to the role in order become the best pharmacist that I can possibly be.
Why did I choose Mease Countryside Hospital at BayCare?
I chose Mease Countryside’s residency program because I have had direct experience with the hospital as a local to the area, and I’m aware of the high standard of care that they hold themselves to. Working with Mease Countryside allows me to give back to the community that raised me, while learning from of the most experienced and knowledgeable pharmacists in the area. Mease Countryside always emphasizes putting the patient first, and their approach is something I’d like to be at the forefront of my own pharmacy practice.